June 13, 2019
A total of 90+ players and more than 50 sponsors from the Anne Arundel County community and beyond, participated in a day of fun and sun with old and new friends to help extend the educational outreach programs the Center provides.
“We are so thankful to the sponsors, golfers and employees who helped to make it such a great success” stated Tom Herpel, AFSB EVP/COO. “The Center is such a vital part of our community and the proceeds raised will help extend its programs to local school children and families. Arundel Federal is proud to be a part of it.”
Pictured: L-R: Tom Herpel, AFSB EVP/COO; Belinda Fraley Huesman CAC Executive Director/CEO; Brenda Fraley Garver, CAC BOD President; Dave Costello AFSB President/CEO.